Pain Free Time

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a BEST™ interactive neuro-stimulator work?

  By direct contact with the skin, signals are sent to the brain and nervous system.  Signals are then sent back to the BEST™ device from the body and a fresh new impulse signal is sent back to the tissue to nudge it back to a balanced state.  This happens millions of times per second.  The device is entirely noninvasive.  It is a reflex biofeedback device involving no drugs and no surgery - only a light touch to the skin with an electrical energy responding to the body’s own signals.

What does it feel like?

   The power level is adjusted so that the person can feel tiny little pulses on their skin.  It is not an uncomfortable feeling.  The power level chosen is based upon the person, the situation issue at hand, and comfort. 

Does it really help with pain?

   People with both fractures and various other injuries have experienced more pain relief from the release of their own natural opiates stimulated by this form of BEST™  therapy than from chemical opiates administered pharmaceutically. 
                      (For example see the research page – especially the paper by British Editorial Society of Bone and Joint Surgery.)

Who can use/operate these devices?

   Virtually anyone can learn to use these devices.  Many devices are quite simple to operate and treat affected areas.  Some of the devices require a prescription because of the nature of the underlying issue.  The RSI and Pro Sport models can be used by lay people for their specific concerns or health care professionals in their practice for a variety of issues - especially when other modalities have been ineffective.

Who could benefit from receiving treatment?

Essentially anyone with pain could take advantage of the speed and recovery enhancements these devices have to offer. 

Is it difficult to operate?

   With minimal training or the enclosed manual, the basic devices can be used by anyone.  Most applications are as simple as placing the device on the skin, setting the appropriate power, and waiting for the device to perform its cycle/program.  More complex issues would benefit from additional training that is available through us. 

How long do I have to use it for?

   Generally, for long-lasting effectiveness, chronic problems may need treatment three or four times a week for up to six weeks (sometimes longer).   Acute problems, however, often resolve after only one or two treatments.  Fresh injuries or acute inflammatory processes may require intensive treatment once or twice daily for several weeks, reducing gradually as the condition improves.

This depends upon the situation, for example: 
  • ·         Simple issues like loss in the range of motion could take as little as 5 minutes one time or several minutes a few times to get lasting results. 
  • ·         Persons with carpal tunnel issues may require several (3-4) 10 minute sessions per day to relieve the pain.  This may last for weeks or months     until the body has sufficiently found a balance point.
  • ·         Inflammation from a bug bite, open cut, or burn may take 1-10+ mini treatments consisting of 1-5 minute sessions.
  • ·         Stress relief in the upper back or neck may be 5-20 minute sessions as needed.  (frequency of treatment depends upon how often new stress      loads are incurred.)
Are there any side affects?

   Positive side effects are common – like less pain or improved range of motion.  No unwanted side effects have been experienced from European versions of these devices/treatments in over twenty years of use throughout Russia, Europe and Australia.  Nor in the newest most improved American  BESTversions of the instruments since their inception in 2004.   The impulses sent by the device are similar to the body’s own nerve impulses and are quite safe, even for children.

 As with all natural treatments that stimulate rather than suppress the body’s own healing power (like a fever), the initial effect may be a healing shift that makes the patient feel worse before feeling much better.  Alack of energy or general malaise may result as old problems are brought to the surface for resolution or elimination. This is rare, yet it can occur, and it soon passes to be followed bynew heights of well-being, increased energy, and more refreshing sleep.

Any precautions or contra-indications?

   Basically the following:

  • ·         These devices should not be used on an individual who has a heart pacemaker or other electrically powered implant.
  • ·         Safety of electro-stimulation devices for use during pregnancy or birth has not been established.
  • ·         Electronic monitoring equipment, such as ECG monitors and ECG alarms, may not operate properly when device stimulation is in use.  Electro-       pulses may interfere with pacemakers and/or other electronic and radiological equipment.

Does it really help with scars?

   Yes, most every scar - whether it is 4 days old or 40 years old, can benefit from the scar release protocols. 

Can insurance cover the cost of these devices?

   With certain devices and situations, insurance will pay all or most of the price (Some will require a 10% co-pay for example or a fixed amount depending upon the plan.)   Contact us for more info and forms.  Also see Products page to see which devices might apply to your needs.

How do I decide which instrument is appropriate for me?

   This depends upon personal needs.  One person may only desire a unit for their knee that acts up occasionally, while another would benefit more from the ‘repetitive stress injury’ setting on the RSI or Pro Sport models.  Contact us directly to assist you in this process.

Is this technology really used by major sports teams around the world?

  Yes.  Ever see someone get a serious injury on the field and then they come back into the same game shortly thereafter?  They are probably using our devices.  To see a list of team using modern interactive neuro-stimulation devices click here. 

How come I’ve never heard of this before?

    It is a relatively new technology, yet is has had many years in the making and researching.  Modern Interactive (biofeedback) neuro-stimulation influences and devices began in Russia as part of the space race in the late 70’s and early 80’s.  After that, introductory devices took Europe by storm in the 90’s.  Now with a former Texas Instruments design guru as its captain, BEST™ devices are taking America to the next level of this fascinating technology.  Tim Smith formed the company Avazzia in 2004 to improve upon the designs of those who had come before him.  He and his team have created innovative new device programs to respond to the needs of today like carpal tunnel and vascular issues.  Plus he added higher speed micro-processors that have only become available in recent years.   No one else in the world is doing this.  We are clearly on the forefront of a new paradigm in treatment.